Training Levels

Color Coded Training Levels

Discounts: Dogs earn the following membership, boarding, daycare and training fee discounts for training achievements: Green -10%   Blue -20%,   Purple/black -25%. Want to reduce your training costs even more? Become a training assistant! 

Orange dogs are typically newbies to training, and may need their space. Provide 6 feet of space around orange dogs and handlers. Newbies are on-leash except when training alone in a fenced training yard, or with instructor permission.

Green dogs have passed a Canine Good Citizen test  and they may play and train off-leash during dog park hours and on-leash around other dogs and people. Green dogs can use areas marked for enjoying green dog privileges. Green dogs and handlers should understand a RMS and a Release signal, and practice their dog’s ability to able to rest calmly in an open or closed crate while the handler is nearby. Handlers’ should understand and practice safer and  humane ways of handling their dog. Green dogs should be reinforced for “dropping” something when asked. Green dogs are learning to balance, rear end awareness, heeling, shadow handling, and cone work. 10% discount

Navy Dogs In addition to passing Green level response to cues, a navy dog understands  hand and mat targeting, release and reward marker signals, conditioned encouragement, discouragement and NRM. Navy level handlers know how to teach their dogs to play two toy games, to target, tug, drop it, find it, retrieve, deliver, and one alert. Handlers understand safe dog handling and training  on five basic agility obstacles (a-frame, dog walk, tunnels,  jumps, table, tire, and weaves),  they may independently train on all camp agility equipment and in our training fields.  Navy bandana dogs should be able to walk nicely on a flat collar, and handlers should be proficient in handling their dogs. Navy dogs are able to relax quietly in a covered crate. Navy dogs handlers receive a 20% discount on Whole Dog Camp services and membership fee!

IN ADDITION TO PASSING LOWER LEVELS, black dogs have entered a clearly defined “career,” and can remain down around moving distractions, recall through moderate distractions, settle, wait alone quietly for 3 minutes, crate quietly for one hour, respond to 5 cues from a distance of 30 feet. These dogs are mentally healthy, happy and eager to learn with no severe behavior problems, they are conditioned to understand and use all four of the basic signals (RM, NRM, KGS, release cue)  and as such they have full Whole Dog Camp privileges and 25% discounts for boarding, daycare, classes and seminars. Trainers achieving “black” status dogs may earn additional Camp credits and privileges by volunteering as training assistants.

Purple Dogs: Got a sweet old dog who really has no problems (and no big ambitions) beyond the need for a soft place to sleep in the sun? Sweet old dogs get a 25% discount at Whole Dog Camp. Dogs must be 9 years or older, and have approval of our head trainer to qualify.

Red dogs may have potentially dangerous behavior problems. Dogs that are evaluated as “red” level dogs must enter our muzzle training program, wear a wire basket muzzle, and remain leashed and under an individualized training program. Please speak with Jenny for details.
 We aspire to create a healthy and inclusive training environment where diverse trainers are supported in growing and sharing experiences with each other.

Learn to earn member discounts, get discounted private sessions and drop in and play (by appointment)! Join our supportive community for humane dog trainers and grow skills with your dog!